All through my PhD I'd get a reference to that almost weekly. So much so that I pledged to only watch it on the morning of my viva. As it happened I forgot, and watched it the day after.
This post is adapted from a previous one in my old blog, with some updates. I'm posting again for two reasons. Firstly I'm dipping a toe back into the PhD topic to go and give a post-show talk in London this weekend, which I am incredibly excited about, and in essence is why I did what I did for my PhD. So I'm attracting some social media attention about the PhD, which is again great. I also recently started a new job, one where I'm largely expected to be 'normal' (and largely fail in every respect) and one where I find myself skirting the exact nature of my PhD with some colleagues, and was so happy I could have cried when someone else noted how interesting my PhD topic was.
Incidentally I've found over the years that my PhD topic is an excellent idiot detector. I can tell from someone's reaction to the topic a great deal about them. It works well as a repellent to idiotic men as well. Repulsed by my PhD? then you don't want to be with me. This could be why I'm still single...
I frequently get asked 'what's your PhD actually on', usually I just reply 'Drama' or 'American drama in Britain.' if pushed, or if it looks like it'll elicit an amusing response I say simply 'AIDS in theatre' sometimes in fact I just say AIDS. Generally I do this if someone looks like they'll have an amusing reaction, or if they're being generally disparaging about the whole PhD endeavor.
The official title of the thesis is (and I always forget exactly, how is that possible?) Angels at the National and Bohemians in the West End: transposing and reviving deceptions of AIDS to the British Stage in Angels in America and Rent. So far, so theatrical. Two highly significant theatrical productions, important, worthy of analysis. Lord knows there are more obscure PhD topics. But you see there's 4 little letters in there that which cause heckles to rise. AIDS. So often I just say 'American theatre' or 'theatre'
Why do I avoid this? because it's easier than then having to explain 'but why do you want to research AIDS?' people are happy with the answer 'drama' it's suitably broad and fluffy. It can also be dismissed with a 'oh that's nice' you say AIDS you don't get that response. If I were doing a PhD on cancer, whether scientific, social or cultural I know I'd get a nod and a 'oh that's so good of you, such a worthy cause.' Sadly, still my PhD doesn't elicit such a response. Generally the response is a resounding, if unspoken 'ugh'. There's also an unspoken 'but what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?' which perhaps should one day be the title of my autobiography, but I digress.
The question that follows, should I bother to explain is 'But why?' again unspoken, why do you, a "normal" looking woman want to do that? (A say, 'normal' that's a relative term, and as I also dare to have short hair combined with the PhD leads to further assumptions about my sexuality. People who research insect larvae and the like don't get assumptions made about their sexuality now do they?)
something like that? again if it were cancer, nobody would think twice. Because it's AIDS, I must have some deep dark reason, probably I'm guessing a lot of them think I have HIV. And you know what, firstly again, what business is it of anyone's? but also I and many others are capable of being passionate about things not personal to us. I make it personal. In the same way you do not have to be a Llama to care about animal rights. You see the absurdity? I'm not offended by people assuming I'm gay or have HIV, because why would I be offended to be considered either of those things? they aren't things that reflect poorly on someone's character, one is a sexual preference you are born with, one is a viral infection. I don't think badly of heterosexuals or people with the flu, therefore think I'm gay, think I have HIV if that helps.
So following that Larry Kramer-esque rant (google him) about the assumptions people make, I should answer why, why this? well, why do any of us who pick our own PhD topics do it? The short version is, I loved the plays. Really for any literature/film/drama based PhD this is a must.
As with everything I do, it was the 'wrong' way to do it. I didn't have any great academic aspirations to consider the American Epic Theatre or any such thing.
The first performance I saw with AIDS in was out of the blue and unexpected, and I blame it for the seed that became this massive part of my life. I saw Hugh Jackman in 'The Boy from Oz' in December 2003. Mum and I were in New York, and at this point tickets were easy to get. It was Hugh Jackman, in a musical, why not? Neither of us knew who Peter Allen, the real life singer-songwriter he portrayed, was or that he died of AIDS related illness. I loved the musical. Love is perhaps too mild a term. I was obsessed. But that, is another blog entirely. The Boy From Oz hasn't made it to the PhD but in some convoluted series of events, it's the start point.
I discovered Angels in America during a grim cold winter in Montreal. Our TV didn't work so we relied on the video store around the corner (remember those kids? this was 2003, before Netflix. Hell it was before Facebook, we were one of the first Unis to get it, anyway I digress) My flatmate and I were scouring the shelves, trying to find an alternative to our one Family Guy box set. She pointed to Angels in America and said 'That's supposed to be good. It's about AIDS' (and so said every description of that play/series ever) I shrugged said ok let's watch it. And we did, and I loved it and bought it and it became one of my favourite series. It became perversely my cheer myself up DVD-having as I do the theory that sometimes watching people worse off than you cheers you up. I fell in love with the actors, and more in love with Emma Thompson.
Around the same time I stumbled across Rent. I'd recently begun to really get into musical theatre, see above, Hugh Jackman again is to blame. And I was also getting involved in a lot of online fandom related to theatre. You can't swing a cyber cat in musical theatre forums and fansites without coming across 'Rent' as a must-have-must-be-a-fan-of. So I found myself trotting off to a Montreal record store (again remember them?) and buying the Rent cast recording. I tried to listen to it on the bus home, but the ride was too bumpy and my CD kept skipping (again, yup, remember those) I remember listing to 'What you Own' over and over on that bus ride though. I remember standing in our orange kitchen, when everyone was out, listening to 'Will I' over and over. Soon I knew every word of the whole thing. Except the phone numbers, I still can't remember those.
Later that year, I saw Rent, finally, on Broadway. It's a cliche but it was at that point the most moving evening in the theatre I'd ever had. Still over 10 (gulp) years later I can count on one hand the number of performances that match it for emotional impact. It's hard to explain, particularly to those who don't like musical theatre. But it felt like being hit by a truck, in a good way. Midway through I just felt a wave of emotion that told me, yes this is something, yes this is going to last. There is something about Rent, if it's a musical for you that just grabs a hold of you and refuses to let go. Even now, though I see it's flaws, though I see it inside out and back to front, it still has an emotional hold. For Rent it's also about finding it at the right moment. I found it when I was a bit lost, living in a foreign country, old enough at 19 to get it, not so old to be cynical about it. And over the years it's been a part of me. It's part of the reason I got more into musical theatre, that I engaged online about musical theatre. Rent became a big part of my theatre education. Rent, its cliche, to say became a part of my growing up, because that year was really important for me.
I always say, in describing these plays, both personally and professionally, that Angels is the head and Rent is the heart. Angels is an engaging artistic political declaration of so many things. It's intellectual, it's critical, it's artistic. There is still so much heart in it, but it gets to your heart through the mind. Rent on the other hand is raw, visceral, it hits straight to the heart. It's still got so many things to say, to teach, and Larson was oh so clever too. Just a different clever. Angels will cause you to start a political revolution and quietly tug at your heart while you do so. Rent will rip out your heart and put it back together and let you go thinking about revolution (while singing obviously, hell if it's good enough for Les Mis). Angels is poetry, and a well structured argument and delicate beautiful words. Rent is rough around the edges, a hard musical beat and a mash up of conflicting styles. I cannot separate them or judge which one is 'better' because they serve the same aims in such different ways. And both have become a part of my personal, artistic and intellectual identity. I speak their lines without noticing, I hear character inflections in my mind, and I adopt their philosophies.
Both plays became influential. I'm a fangirl at heart and when I fall I fall hard. So I followed various cast member's careers. Devoured everything I could on the writers, directors, anyone associated with it. I bought albums and films and books. These plays became part of my world, and they spun out into other plays, musicals, films and books. And so on, as is the fannish life. I used Rent in my Undergrad dissertation, in the impeccably titled 'The Serious Side of the American Musical' original, really original. Then as luck would have it Angels in America was revived in London as I did my Masters, so I wrote my dissertation on that. Both had been cemented into my life. When it came to proposing a PhD it was always the natural progression, I never considered doing anything else. I cannot honestly say why, other than I loved the plays still, and it was an area I was passionate about.
Why so passionate about AIDS? disappointingly perhaps, I have no deep dark story about why. I don't know anyone personally who has AIDS, never have. The best I can do is this: I grew up in the 1980s (I was born in 1984) I have never known a world without AIDS and when I was a child it was one of the most terrifying things in the adult world I could think of. The tombstone adverts on television voiced by John Hurt made it seem like AIDS was about to leap out of an alleyway and kill you. I didn't really know what it was, but I knew I was supposed to be scared, so I was. The time and place I grew up in was also rife with homophobia, if you weren't being a 'bellend' (an insult I'm actually all for, it makes me weirdly nostalgic) then you were 'so gay'. In a rough British Comprehensive school in the 1990s being 'gay' and the added 'you've got AIDS' were commonplace. Being gay wasn't a thing we talked about, and AIDS was this scary thing lurking in the darkness.
That's partly why I think I have become so passionate about the cause. Because I still see areas of society where that's still the case. For every fluffy drama loving, liberal friend I have, there's hundreds of people out there still throwing out those insults I heard as a kid. It's easy to forget sometimes, once you grow up and surround yourself with people who have the same values, what a harsh world it is out there. The reality being that AIDS is still a threat, and being gay is still a threat in itself for those in hostile environments. AIDS charities struggle to raise funds where others wouldn't simply because the stigma still remains. People still fear the condition, people still hold prejudice. There's still not enough research, comparatively for the amount of people diagnosed. And, as we get further from the original epidemic panic, people become complacent and infection rates rise. Just because AIDS is no longer a death sentence, doesn't mean it's not a threat. And it still needs to be on the agenda for discussion. And that's why these plays are still important, and that's why this PhD feels important. Keeping the discussion going.
That's perhaps why, I wasn't ready for the discussion to be over after two dissertations, so I carried it on. And I believe that these plays still have a lot to say. They might be over twenty years old now, their content may now be historical work, but it is still important, and will carry on being so. Theatre allows for an ongoing updated dialogue in the way that film or literature doesn't in quite the same way. So this PhD is just my bit of the conversation.
So that's the why and wherefore. After 10 years it's become a part of me, as a fan, and through my PhD. And I wouldn't have it any other way. So people may be repulsed, puzzled, a bit scared. But the ones who are interested I've learned are really interesting themselves. You can tell a lot about a person by their PhD, you can also tell a lot about a person by their reaction to your PhD.
This was an extremely timely post to read. I'm completing my PhD (just about to start my third year) and I get similar reactions. My (white, male) supervisors are fantastically supportive, but people who don't know me or my work as well generally fall into two camps: the fascinated or the moralising.
ReplyDeletePithily - my topic is representations of late 19th century sex workers in New Orleans. I don't have a title yet, but that's my failing as an academic and fiction writer. Titles always throw me.
I have been asked if I'm a sex worker, if I 'really' should consider myself a feminist, if I frequent sex workers, if I consume a lot of pornography (obviously, but it's antiquarian porn and I'm so clinical about it I may as well be looking at paint dry) - as has been assumed about you, the leaps people will make based on your thesis are baffling. Your musings on why you were drawn to the topic of AIDS are similar to mine, too: when I was about 12, I found an 1890s photograph of a New Orleans prostitute right in the middle of 'Archeology Magazine'. It haunted me. Simple. There are no prostitutes in my family that I'm aware of (one branch on my mother's side is ancestrally from the American South), for example, and I'm not a sex worker.
Anyway, if I found Great Aunt Jessie or Cousin Matilda in an albumen or silver gelatin print somewhere in an archive, that would be some of the coolest dirt imaginable.
I'm so glad to find solidarity with others who experience the same thing! it's so bizarre the way people's minds work on this sort of thing...likewise I also watched many a pornographic thing for my thesis and it was the least erotic thing imaginable!! Your topic sounds fascinating though, and we need more of this weird yet needed projects. By the way my twitter is @EmiGarside should you care to find me out there :)
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Hello everyone i am from United State. I want to share my testimonies to the general
ReplyDeletepublic on how this great man called Dr Aloma cure my HIV/AIDS disease. I have been a HIV/AIDS positive for over 11 month and i have been in pains until i came across this lady when i traveled to Africa for Business trip who happen to once been a HIV/AIDS disease, i explained every thing to her and she told me that there is this Great Dr,Aloma that help her to cure her HIV/AIDS disease and she gave me his email address for me to contact and i did as she instructed. And the man dr Aloma told me how much to buy the HIV/AIDS herbal medication and how i will get it, which i did. And to my greatest surprise that i took the HIV/AIDS herbal medicine for just one week and behold i went for a HIV/AIDS test, for to my greatest surprise for the Doctor confirmed me to HIV/AIDS free and said that i no longer have HIV/AIDS in my system and till now i have never felt any HIV/AIDS again, so i said i must testify the goodness of this man to the general public for if you are there surfing from this HIV/AIDS
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Good day everyone my name is tina joyce from U.S.A, I have this great opportunity to share this testimony about how I get cure for my HIV,three years ago I was HIV positive so I was suffering from it I was doing one thing or the order to get a cure there was know way for it so I was on my research on the internet I saw a testimony of a young man, about how dr.bello help him get a cured for HIV with his herbal medicine I was surprise and I do not believe I said okay let me try him I contact him on his email address and he gave me instructions and I follow it he told me what to do and I did it, after a week he sent to me the medicine true DHL he told me how to use it and I did exactly how he instructed me to use it, after two weeks he told me that I should go for test, indeed I did it, and behold I was HIV "negative" am so grateful Doctor, now am happy with my Husband and two kids I want to use this opportunity to say this, please if you have this kind of disease called HIV, I want you to contact him on is email; or call him on +2348147271779 and he can also help you get a cure for HPV, HERPES, CANCER,disease and he can cure you from any kind of diseases with his herbal medicine. all you have to do is to believe him. thank you my Dr may god bless you...
ReplyDeleteThanks Dr. Iwajowa for your kindness everybody know HIV is a deadly disease I was once a HIV positive and am from Portugal am 32 years I contacted this disease when I was 27 I was using drug over since, just last week for here I see this man email on the testimony that he cure HIV so surprised when I read the testimony and I did not believe there is cure to HIV and I see another testimony about the same man, then I have to try I get the real true of this testimony and I call the number below it and the man answer me he ask to sent down my email so we can start immediately i send the email well I don't know how he did it but God know. I promise you,you we rejoice like me this is his Email ,( or call him +17192041991 Nguyen.
ReplyDeleteHey Dr Ekpiku is real and he's powerful herbal treatment..After been in pain and sorrow for over 6 years it was Dr Ekpiku that cured me from Herpes Simplex Virus, I got infected with Herpes Simplex Disease in 2011 and I have visited several herbalists, spiritualists and pastors for cure me but all was in avail, my world was gradually coming to an end until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal medicine from Africa who have and herbal medicine to cure all kinds of deadly diseases including Walter,HIV AIDS, ALS, HPV, MND, Epilepsy, Leukemia, Asthma, Cancer, Gonorrhea,Hepatitis B etc, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbalist via his email, he prepared a herbal medicine portion and sent it to me via DHL Delivery when i received this herbal medicine portion, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly disease within 2 weeks, I am now Herpes Negative.his email: all thanks to Dr Ekpiku. Contact this great herbalist called Dr Ekpiku or or whatapps, call +2348073673757. or text me on +13103598621.
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i was suffering from HIV/AIDS disease for the past 6 years and ever since i have been passing through serious agony in my life,i contact this infection through my boyfriend and i have done series of tests and taking drugs to be cure but unfortunate for me i still carry this deadly infection inside of me,i will love to say i was so lucky to have came across DR BELLO several testimony online people testifying series of how they were totally cure of HIV/AIDS through his herbal medicine on his email: i contacted him on email and explain my situation to him and he accepted to help me cure my HIV/AIDS disease,i followed his instruction and indeed he prepare a herbal medicine for me and after i receive the herbal medicine he told me how to apply the herbal medicine and after 1 weeks of usage i did the test again and i was confirmed negative. you can contact him on or call, whatsApp his Mobil number +2348147271779
ReplyDeletehello every one my name is Anita Wilson i am from Texas usa, i
ReplyDeletehave been suffering from (HIV) disease for the last Three years and had
constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith
in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all
over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, a month and some weeks ago
i was searching on the internet if i could get any information concerning
the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone
who has been healed from HIV by this Great man called DR Gadagodo and she also gave the
email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness
that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Gadagodo telling him about my
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believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this
man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the
Dr Gadagodo,assured me that i have cured, after some time i went to my doctor
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advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email
Dr.Gadagodo on you can also whatsap him on +2347034629991 or call him+2347034629991.
I am indeed grateful for the help,
i will forever recommend to you my friends. He also have the herb to cure
(9) ASTHMA...
please i want every one with this virus to be free and be cured, that is
why am dropping his email address. you can also call him
whatsapp number;+2347034629991do not hesitate to email him, he is a great
man. the government is also interested in you Dr Gadagodo.thank you for saving
- [x] my life, and I promise I will always and forever say it to the whole world.
THERE IS NO CURE FOR IT,BUT THANKS BEEN TO THIS GREAT MAN CALLED DR GADAGODO WHOM I READ A TESTIMONY ABOUT ON HOW HE CURED HIV/AIDS WITH HIS HERBAL MEDICINE,I NEVER BELIEVE THIS BUT I DECIDED TO CONTACT HIM THROUGH THE STATED EMAIL, and he send to me a herbal medicine and ask me to drink and bath with the herbal medicine for one month but to my greatest surprises, i went for a medical test after two weeks and my status was negetive till today i cant keep sharing this testimony please brothers and sisters there is a cure to hiv/aids, contact this man for what ever you are going through, what ever sickness you are suffering from, hiv/aids,perkinsons disease, ALS,CANCERS,HERPES. contact him with his email via, or phone,+2347034629991 or whatsapp him on +2347034629991
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