It's International Women's Day. And a day to celebrate all the fierce and fearless women of our past, present and future.
Why do we still need it?
For all the women who aren't as lucky as us, who are oppressed, who struggle in their day to day lives for basic human rights.
But for our own 'first world problems' as well. For every woman who feels she can't speak out for fear of being labeled 'bossy' for every woman passed over for a louder man. For every woman who a man on a dating site has labelled 'too intimidating' for her career, her education, her salary.
For every man who has ever said I shouldn't call myself 'Doctor' if I wanted to 'get' a man. For every man who has ever called me 'too intimidating' good. Be intimidated.
For every woman who has been told she isn't good enough because she's a woman. That it isn't her place because she's a woman.
And what should we do this International Women's Day?
Women. Support each other. That means even the women who are different from you.
Support the woman who doesn't look like you think women should look like. Who chooses to dress differently to you.
Support the woman who chose to get married at 21. Support the woman who enjoys being single at 50. Support the woman who couldn't give a fuck about dating, and support the woman who would really like a husband.
Support the woman who doesn't want kids as much as the one who is desperate for them.
Support women in your workplace. Support women in your network. Support them against not just the men but the women who don't do the same.
Reach down, don't punch down. Give the helping hand you wish you'd had, don't pull the ladder up behind.
And men, this bit's for you: listen to women. That's a great starting point. If a woman explains how she feels about something, why she doesn't like something, why she does; listen.
When women tell you about the gender pay gap, or everyday sexism, or abuse or period poverty. Listen. Don't talk over us, don't forget the minute we've stopped talking. Listen and engage.
Put women forward for things. Encourage the women you work with, that you're related to, that you're friends with.
Buy art by women. Buy their music, their books, see their plays. Don't put it in a category of 'women's' and 'not for me' we've managed to watch stories about men for decades...try it you might like it.
I have so many fierce and brilliant women in my life. To many to name individually. They are my family, my networks, some of them virtual strangers. But every woman who has ever stood by my side: You are awesome. Keep doing what you do.
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